The Body Sculpt Xpress
The Body Sculpt Xpress
Utilizing Ultrasound to remove fat has been very popular for the last 7 years in Europe, Austrailia, asnd Canada. Ultrasound technology has drastically evolved due to technology. It"s more powerful, safe, and extremely effective.
The Body Sculpt Xpress offers revolutionary fat removal utilizing SLIMSONIX Ultrasound - that's right, the process uses sound waves to simply shake and break fat cells. Your body then metabolizes the fat and removes it via sweat & urination over the next 24-72 hours. Most clients are losing 1/2" or more in the very first 30 minute session. The Body Sculpt Xpress offers memberships and packages to help you meet your goals! Please select "Filtered Reviews" as well, when reading customer reviews.
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